Sunday, July 30, 2017

Minecraft Commands

Minecraft Commands 

Staff Server Commands
  1. /region claim (name)
  2. //expand vert
  3. /rg addowner
  4. /rg addmember
  5. /rg flag (rg name) greeting or farewell (message)
  6. /rg setpriority (name) (number)
  7. /rg remove
  8. /rg redefine
  9. /rg select
  10. /invsee (player)
  11. /enderchest (player)
  12. [Disposal]
  13. /fly
  14. /sun
  15. /day
  16. /night 
  17. /kittycannon
  18. /nuke
  19. /helpop

 Regular Commands
  1. /time set 0
  2. /weather clear 999999
  3. /gamerule doDaylightCycle false 
  4. /gamerule Keep inventory
  5. /gamerule mobgriefing false
  6. /gamerule randomTickSpeed 2000
  7.  /kill @e[type=item]
  8. /kill
  9. /copy
  10. /paste 
  11. /tp (x) (y) (z)
  12. Ctrl P (To copy signs) 
  13.  /kill @e
  14. /kill @e[type=mob] 
  15. /fill (cords) (cords) (block)

SP Worldedit Commands
  1. //set
  2.  //stack (number) (up or down)
  3. //replacenear (number) (from item) (to item)
  4.  //expand (vert) (number) (up or down)
  5. //replace (from item) (to item)
  6.  //move (up or down)
  7. //removenear (item) (number)
  8. //remove (item)
  9. //copy
  10. //schematic save (name)
  11. //schematic load (name)
  12. //paste
  13. //schematic list 
  14. //flip (North, East, South, West)
Command Block Commands
  1. /tp @p (cords)
  2. /fill (cords) (cords) (block) 

Helpful Links
  1. Minecraft Item ID # List
  2. Minecraft Schematics
  3.  Official Minecraft Wiki

Friday, March 10, 2017

The Greensons is Published!!

My book The Greensons is now published with Lulu!

Here is the link to the book: The Greensons

I also have a Lulu Spotlight page called David Charles Gratiot Productions!

Here is the link to the spotlight: David Charles Gratiot Productions

The Greensons Book Cover

Monday, February 27, 2017

My Spiritual Side

I wrote this almost ten years ago:

My Spiritual Side

    This paper is about my spiritual side which is the real me. This paper will show some of what my spiritual goals and dreams are. Remember this is the real me and I really want this with all of my heart!! Here is what my spiritual side is:

I want to have a good strong LDS/Mormon family someday.
I want to become a god like Heavenly Father someday.
I want to build Timpanogos City & inherit Utah Valley someday.
I want to have many sons and daughters someday.
I want to become like Christ someday.
I want to be worthy to get married in the temple someday.
I want to have a house of my own someday.
I want to be totally healed from everything someday.
I want to help and serve people someday.
I want to see all of my family and friends on the other side someday.
I want to be completely free from sin and abomination someday.
I want to stand spotless before God someday.
I want to meet all of the prophets that ever was and will someday.
I want to be resurrected in the morning of the first resurrection someday.
I want to be free from this world and the trials of it someday.
I want to help with family history work someday.
I want to kneel down and kiss the Savior’s feet someday.
I want to fly like Peter Pan around Mount Timpanogos someday.
I want to have a lot of good power and knowledge someday.
I want to create worlds, stars, and galaxies without number someday.
I want to have nations upon nations someday.
I want to hug Heavenly Father after when I’m resurrected someday.
I want to do all types of good experiments in the next life someday.
I want to find my eternal companion someday.
I want to have a healthy relationship with my eternal companion someday.

These are only some of my spiritual goals and dreams. I can’t remember them all right now but I have many. Thanks!

David Charles Gratiot
July 15, 2007